
As we develop our research we will be publishing our findings and reports here.

The synergies of the project team are derived from the global perspectives and expertise in feminist and decolonial methods from Spanish and Latin American Studies at UCC merging with longstanding UU expertise in local/specific workshop formats co-created with participant NGO and grassroots women's organizations.

Workshop 1 - Security

  1. Workshop1
  2. Sharing knowledge
Download Workshop 1
Download Workshop 1
Download Workshop 1 : Part II
Download Workshop 1 : Part II

Workshop 2 - Widening Participation in Constitutional Conversations

  1. Workshop2
  2. Widening Participation
Download Workshop 2
Download Workshop 2
Download Workshop 2 : Part II
Download Workshop 2 : Part II

Workshop 3 - The Role of Civil Society

  1. Workshop3
    Role of Civil Society
  2. Protection of Rights
Download Workshop 3
Download Workshop 3
Download Workshop 3 Part II
Download Workshop 3 Part II

Workshop 4 - Creative Caring

Download Workshop 4
Download Workshop 4
Download Workshop 4 : Part II
Download Workshop 4 : Part II

Workshop 5 - Creative Caring (Feb)

Workshop 5
Workshop 5
Workshop 5 Part II
Workshop 5 Part II

Workshop 6 - Widening Participation (Mar)

Widening Participation
Widening Participation
Widening Participation ii
Widening Participation ii

Workshop 7 - Creative Caring (Apr)

Creative Caring
Creative Caring
Creative Caring II
Creative Caring II